We are experienced in moving time and temperature sensitive shipments worldwide. Our worldwide networks ensure that shipments of all materials can be handled the best way.
GB Freight Solutions was established in 2015. After several successful years managing International and domestic blue chip freight companies, we believed an opportunity existed that the traditional freight company’s found difficult to answer.
GB Freight Solutions recognise that to gain longevity in the business world these days we must continually evolve. One of the key ingredients for successful evolution is a strong partnership with clients, suppliers and staff. Our combined knowledge, integrity and commitment to excellence provide the catalyst, to allow clients to take the next big step forward. GB Freight Solutions understand a positive performance result in the now will always be more credible than any future promise.
GB Freight Solutions is a company founded to be a strategic partner not only in South Africa, but for companies and individuals all over the world who share the need of a complete 3rd and 4th party logistics service to accomplish their transportation needs, thus obtaining maximum benefits by streamlining their needs through optimum utilisation.
Our mission is to exceed our customers’ expectations by providing a complete package of domestic and international freight solutions paired with the best service and technology that the industry has to offer.
We are able to tailor freight solutions to suit the needs of the customer, ranging from overnight envelopes and artwork to exporting and importing very large cargo.
We are a freight solutions company and are experts at maximizing your freight efficiencies by mitigating capacity issues, covering lanes that can be difficult to fill, and providing you with specialized carriers that have met our strict performance standards. Our carrier partners provide you with versatility and flexibility in lane coverage, equipment type and on-demand availability.
We understand the stigma and stereotypes sometimes associated with the word“broker”. While we can’t control the entire industry, we CAN do everything possible to demonstrate that GB Freight Solutions has no resemblance to the “good ole boy” brokers of yesteryear. We would like every opportunity to prove it to you and EARN your trust through our acts of consistent coverage, fair pricing, dependable communications and respectful treatment of our carrier partners.